St. Louis, MO
City Sew-Ers
The City Sew-ers neighborhood group focuses on learning a new technique each month. At most of our meetings we do a 30-60 minute hands-on project, and members are welcomed to stay longer if the project needs more time.
Unless noted, we are back to meeting in person on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM at the City Sewing Room, 6700 Arsenal St, St. Louis, MO 63139. Use the Get In Touch button to email for more information.
Sewing Resources: Zippers by the Yard
If you use a lot of zippers it is much more economical to buy zippers by the yard. At our January 19 Zoom meeting, Shelia showed us how. Some resources Shelia uses are (with clickable links):
1. Sullivan's (from Amazon) Their pulls are already on the tape.
2. Pam Damour- Her website often has sales.
3. Hand Made Space website.
4. Sew Sweetness website has over 100 handbag making tips.
Number 3 zippers are 7/8 inches and usually appropriate for garment sewing. You can get 5 1/2 yards of zipper tape and 12 pulls for $10-12. Number 5 zippers, good for handbags, are 1 1/4- 1 3/8. Three yards with pulls is $12-14.
Zippers and pulls come in a variety of colors, including rainbow. Coils are nylon and can safely be sewn over. The wider (#5) zippers can be installed using a regular foot. Decorative pulls (hearts, unicorns, etc) are also available. Sheila seals the end of the tape with a lighter.
Sheila demonstrated the Zipper Genie used for inserting pulls onto the tape.The tool is available for $50 from Pam Damour. It clamps onto a table and makes the whole process easy. You can also adapt a fork to use as a zipper jig. There a number of videos online showing how easy this is.
See Shelia's demonstration in the video below.

Shelia's Zipper Pull Demonstration
Lutterloh System with Anne
At our November 2019 meeting, Anne discussed the Lutterloh pattern making system that she recently tried out. She found it to be an interesting system, and shared some tips for making adjustments.

Halloween and Christmas Projects
In October 2019, Sue showed several Christmas and Halloween projects including painted towels with crayons, twisted star ornaments, paper piecing, and a blanket demo.