Anne Stirnemann
Sewist Spotlight: Meet Anne
How long have you been sewing?
I remember sitting outside in the summer heat hand stitching stuffed animals and doll clothes with my neighbor Pat, we were both about 7 years old. We got a lot of fabric scraps from our mothers.
How did you learn to sew?
With 9 kids in the family, my Mom’s Featherweight machine was always on the kitchen table. I never remember being taught anything, but I know this machine was open for any of us kids to “play” with, - shows the durability of these little machines. I took my first sewing lessons as an adult when I took several years of St. Louis Community College Continuing Ed Tailoring courses. Anne Holderle was a wonderful teacher.
What was the first thing you remember sewing?
Stuffed animals, and when I figured out the gusset thing to make them 3-D. We were all amazed, made beanie babies before Mattel ever thought of doing them. By high school I was making my own clothes.
What do you like to sew?
Garments. Like having a split personality, sometimes I like the fast down and dirty sewing of making a box top shirt in one day, and sometimes I like the calm detailing of pad stitching a tailored coat.
Any particular type of fabric you like to use.
Donated fabric of course!
What kind of sewing machine do you have? Any other machines like serger, etc.
I got my favorite Bernina 1030 from my friend Maggie Klaverkamp. What a beautiful machine. And then I am a fan of the simple old Singer 14U sergers, always up for the challenge.
What do you make that you are most proud of?
My coats I think.
How long have you been a Guild member?
A long time, maybe 10-12 years
Biggest change in sewing over the years?
The lack of everyone else sewing. The fact that it is no longer a cheaper way to dress yourself, but more of a hobby so not many people sew. But we can change that!
Best sewing tip for us?
The iron is your friend!
Is there anything about you that you would like us to know?
And that it is never too late to start working on your dream. Just do it!
All about the City Sewing Room of course!